ungebrauchtes Exemplar
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ungebrauchtes Exemplar
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ungebrauchtes Exemplar
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ungebrauchtes Exemplar
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ungebrauchtes Exemplar
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ungebrauchtes Exemplar
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ungebrauchtes Exemplar
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ungebrauchtes Exemplar
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ungebrauchtes Exemplar
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ungebrauchtes Exemplar
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ungebrauchtes Exemplar
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ungebrauchtes Exemplar
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ungebrauchtes Exemplar
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ungebrauchtes Exemplar
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ungebrauchtes Exemplar, leichte Lagerspuren
Lehrerhandbuch mit Audio-CD
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ungebrauchtes Exemplar, leichte Lagerspuren
With Gold Preliminary, students develop natural English while learning the skills they’ll need to really excel in their exam. The new edition of Gold Preliminary retain all the winning features of this best-selling series, with 100% new material and a faster-paced syllabus. As well as the exam preparation and appealing texts that users have come to expect, Gold now gives your students even more vocabulary input, help with chunks of language and lots of speaking practice. Extensive writing sections include model answers and provide support for students of all abilities.Now with full digital support, new Gold titles include: ActiveTeach - everything the teacher needs on one disc. ActiveBook with unique VocabTrainer software or CD-ROM with extra practice. Access to iTests.com at Preliminary, First and Advanced levels.
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ungebrauchtes Exemplar, leichte Lagerspuren
Get Ahead is a brand new 3-level secondary course that focuses on developing all 4 language skills. Its communicative approach to language learning will get your students talking. Students are first provided with vocabulary and grammar input, and then they have the opportunity to activate this learning through communicative activities. The carefully chosen Asia-specific content will get your students thinking. Topics in Get Ahead relate directly to your students' lives and students will also become aware of other cultures and learn about global issues. Get Ahead is a flexible resource that will adapt to the specific needs of your class. With a creative Teacher's Guide, and a Teacher's Resource Disc packed full of worksheets, customizable tests, audio scripts and wordlists, Get Ahead will help every student to communicate successfully.
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ungebrauchtes Exemplar, leichte Lagerspuren
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ungebrauchtes Exemplar, leichte Lagerspuren
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ungebrauchtes Exemplar, leichte Lagerspuren
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ungebrauchtes Exemplar, leichte Lagerspuren
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face2face Second edition is the flexible, easy-to-teach, 6-level course (A1 to C1) for busy teachers who want to get their adult and young adult learners to communicate with confidence. face2face Second edition is informed by Cambridge English Corpus and its vocabulary syllabus is informed by the English Vocabulary Profile, meaning students learn the language they really need at each CEFR level. The Upper Intermediate Workbook with Key offers additional consolidation activities as well as a Reading and Writing Portfolio for extra skills practice. A Workbook without Key is also available.
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ungebrauchtes Exemplar, leichte Lagerspuren
A complete preparation course for IELTS offers topic development to encourage students to think critically. A Language for Writing syllabus covers grammar and vocabulary. Help Yourself pages with activities to support self-study are provided.
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ungebrauchtes Exemplar
Laser is now a five-level course, with the addition of two new levels, A1+ and A2, designed to cater to younger exam students, and now covers the entire span of secondary education. It is the perfect preparation for students still at school and working towards school-leaving exams and the Cambridge ESOL, KET, PET and FCE exams. The vibrant topic-based units cover the lexical and grammatical syllabus of the Breakthrough to Vantage levels of the Council of Europe's Common European Framework. The course integrates development of all the language skills: reading, writing, listening and speaking, and regular revision sections check continuous progress. Each Student's Book comes with a CD-ROM that reinforces the structures and vocabulary learnt in each unit. Each Workbook is complete with Audio CD, making it ideal for homework, and the Teacher's Book includes a DVD-ROM with tests, a test generator and teacher-training videos. Class CDs are also available.
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ungebrauchtes Exemplar
Laser is now a five-level course, with the addition of two new levels, A1+ and A2, designed to cater to younger exam students, and now covers the entire span of secondary education. It is the perfect preparation for students still at school and working towards school-leaving exams and the Cambridge ESOL, KET, PET and FCE exams. The vibrant topic-based units cover the lexical and grammatical syllabus of the Breakthrough to Vantage levels of the Council of Europe's Common European Framework. The course integrates development of all the language skills: reading, writing, listening and speaking, and regular revision sections check continuous progress. Each Student's Book comes with a CD-ROM that reinforces the structures and vocabulary learnt in each unit. Each Workbook is complete with Audio CD, making it ideal for homework, and the Teacher's Book includes a DVD-ROM with tests, a test generator and teacher-training videos. Class CDs are also available.
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ungebrauchtes Exemplar, leichte Lagerspuren
Pupil's Book
Ausgabe Bayern
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Englisch für den Beruf A2/B1 mit Audio-CD
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ungebrauchtes Exemplar, leichte Lagerspuren
Opportunities is a five-level course for teenagers. Modules of topic-based units provide rich, contemporary content based on a wide variety of information themes. With a discovery approach to grammar and an upfront focus on vocabulary, Opportunities ensures the most effective language learning for students.
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ungebrauchtes Exemplar, leichte Lagerspuren
With New Snapshot you can:
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ungebrauchtes Exemplar, leichte Lagerspuren
English for the hotel and catering industry
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ungebrauchtes Exemplar, leichte Lagerspuren, Umschlag Vorderseite leicht ausgebleicht
English for the hotel and catering industry
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ungebrauchtes Exemplar, leichte Lagerspuren
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ungebrauchtes Exemplar
Student's Book, Level 1
Aus der Reihe New Headway
Reading, Writing, and Study Skills
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Student's Book, Level 2
Aus der Reihe New Headway
Reading, Writing, and Study Skills
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ungebrauchtes Exemplar
Student's Book, Level 3
Aus der Reihe New Headway
Reading, Writing, and Study Skills
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ungebrauchtes Exemplar, leichte Lagerspuren, Ecken unten leicht gestossen
Combined Student's Book & Workbook
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ungebrauchtes Exemplar, leichte Lagerspuren
American English
No other course offers you the same benefits as Family and Friends.
The exceptionally strong skills training programme includes a focus on real speaking and writing output.
Plus: the amazing package of integrated print and digital resources suits all teaching situations and learner types, supporting students, teachers, and parents.
Use it with First Friends to make it an eight or nine-year course.
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ungebrauchtes Exemplar, leichte Lagerspuren
Europäischer Referenzrahmen: B2
Für Lernende, die in der Datenverarbeitungs- und Informationstechnologie tätig sind und über Englischkenntnisse von vier Lernjahren verfügen.
Die Neubearbeitung berücksichtigt aktuelle Entwicklungen der schnelllebigen Branche, behält aber die erfolgreiche Konzeption der bisherigen Ausgabe bei: Im Zentrum stehen weiterhin der technische
Spezialwortschatz und die praktischen Sprachanforderungen des Fachgebiets.
Anhand authentischer Texte, Diagramme und Grafiken trainieren die IT-Spezialisten, in der Fremdsprache schriftliche und mündliche Informationen auszutauschen und Probleme zu lösen.
25 Übungseinheiten beschäftigen sich mit jeweils einem Schlüsselbereich der Informationstechnologie.
Längere Lesetexte zum Selbststudium behandeln unterschiedliche Spezialthemen.
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ungebrauchtes Exemplar, leichte Lagerspuren
American English
The Happy Series uses different kinds of learning strategies to match children’s changing development and learning styles.
Start the learning journey in the reassuring setting of Happy House.
Introduce children to reading and writing English in the wider world of Happy Street.
Explore a world of fascinating facts with the topic-based approach of Happy World.
And introduce children to the big issues that affect every child on earth and prepare them for exams with Happy Earth.
With Happy, you’ll have happy students at all levels of primary!
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ungebrauchtes Exemplar, leichte Lagerspuren
American English
The Happy Series uses different kinds of learning strategies to match children’s changing development and learning styles.
Start the learning journey in the reassuring setting of Happy House.
Introduce children to reading and writing English in the wider world of Happy Street.
Explore a world of fascinating facts with the topic-based approach of Happy World.
And introduce children to the big issues that affect every child on earth and prepare them for exams with Happy Earth.
With Happy, you’ll have happy students at all levels of primary!
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ungebrauchtes Exemplar
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ungebrauchtes Exemplar, leichte Lagerspuren
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Macmillan English Quest 3 Pupil's Book comes in full-colour and introduces pupils to different topics and a variety of festivals held throughout the year. The book focuses on improving listening, pronunciation and teamwork skills and the accompanying CD-ROM brings stories to life with animation and songs.
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ungebrauchtes Exemplar
Macmillan English Quest 4 Pupil's Book comes in full-colour and introduces pupils to different topics and a variety of festivals held throughout the year. The book focuses on improving listening, pronunciation and teamwork skills and the accompanying CD-ROM brings stories to life with animation and songs.
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ungebrauchtes Exemplar
Macmillan English Quest 5 Pupil's Book comes in full-colour and introduces pupils to different topics and a variety of festivals held throughout the year. The book focuses on improving listening, pronunciation and teamwork skills and the accompanying CD-ROM brings stories to life with animation and songs.
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ungebrauchtes Exemplar
Macmillan English Quest 6 Pupil's Book comes in full-colour and introduces pupils to different topics and a variety of festivals held throughout the year. The book focuses on improving listening, pronunciation and teamwork skills and the accompanying CD-ROM brings stories to life with animation and songs.
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Helps prepare pupils by focusing on all four language skills and familiarizing them with all the task types, enabling them to sit the tests confidently and successfully.
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ungebrauchtes Exemplar
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ungebrauchtes Exemplar
Zweisprachige Sachgeschichten für Kindergarten- und Grundschulkinder
Ein Besuch im Museum? – Wie langweilig! denkt Jens zunächst. Doch Lisa steckt ihn und Benni schnell mit ihrer Begeisterung an. Zwischen riesigen Dinosauriern, Fossilien und ägyptischen Mumien
erleben die drei Freunde einen in jeder Hinsicht aufregenden Nachmittag und erfahren zugleich viel Wissenswertes über die Arbeit in einem Museum.
A visit to a museum? At first Jens thinks that is a very boring idea! But Lisa's enthusiasm is infectious, and Jens and Benni agree to go with her. Between gigantic dinosaurs, fossils and
Egyptian mummies the three friends enjoy a very exciting afternoon and learn a lot of interesting things about working in a museum.
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mehrere Exemplare vorhanden
Pre-Intermediate to Intermediate
2nd Edition
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mehrere Exemplare vorhanden
Pre-Intermediate to Intermediate
2nd Edition
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mehrere Exemplare vorhanden
with answers
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mehrere Exemplare vorhanden
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ungebrauchtes Exemplar, original verschweisst
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The new Business English Certificates Course
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with key
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ungebrauchtes Exemplar, original verschweisst
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ungebrauchtes Exemplar, original eingeschweisst
Auf der Audio-CD finden sich sämtliche Hörtexte sowie alle Lieder, Reime und Chants. Die lebendig gesprochenen und gesungenen Texte unterstützen das Einprägen von Vokabeln, Satzstrukturen, Aussprache und Sprachrhythmus.
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Four Tests for the Cambridge Business English Certificate
Advanced with answers
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Four Tests for the Cambridge Business English Certificate
Upper Intermediate with answers
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2nd Edition
Business Benchmark Second edition is the official Cambridge English preparation course for Cambridge English: Business Preliminary, Vantage and Higher (also known as BEC), and BULATS. A pacy, topic-based course with comprehensive coverage of language and skills for business, it motivates and engages both professionals and students preparing for working life. The Upper Intermediate BULATS Student's Book contains authentic listening and reading materials, including interviews with business people, providing models for up to date business language. Grammar and vocabulary exercises train students to avoid common mistakes, identified using Cambridge's unique collection of real exam candidates' answers. 'Grammar workshops' practise grammar in relevant business contexts. A Cambridge English: Business Vantage version of this Student's Book is also available.
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This practical series includes a number of specialist titles which help students communicate more effectively. Each book contains over 60 tests and over 500 key words and expressions. They are ideal for class use or self-study.
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ungebrauchtes Exemplar, leichte Lagerspuren
Die beste Grundlage zum Vokabellernen
Von A1 (für Anfänger) bis A2 (für leicht Fortgeschrittene)
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ungebrauchtes Exemplar
The Official Top Tips for FCE gives you essential advice for each part of each of the five FCE papers. It is written by Cambridge ESOL examiners with many years' experience of setting and marking the FCE exam and includes clear examples and explanations to show you exactly what each tip means, general tips for each paper and sections on how to revise and what to do on the day of the exam. The CD-ROM contains a complete, authentic FCE exam paper so that you know what to expect when you take the exam.
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ungebrauchtes Exemplar, leichte Lagerspuren
How to Help Grammar Emerge
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Lehr- und Arbeitsbuch Englisch für Drucktechniker und Medienfachwirte
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Usborne Young Reading
A lively and engaging history of "the beautiful game". Tells the story of football, from its beginnings in the Roman Army to the modern day premiership including how both American Football and Rugby were born. Usborne Young Reading has been developed in conjunction with reading experts from Roehampton University.
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mehrere Exemplare vorhanden
Ähnlich - aber nicht gleich
600 verwandte Wortgruppen
Französisch / Englisch / Deutsch
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A Romance of Many Dimensions
‘Flatland: A Romance of Many Dimensions’ is an 1884 satirical novella by the English schoolmaster Edwin Abbott Abbott. Written pseudonymously as "A Square", the book used the fictional two-dimensional world of Flatland to comment on the hierarchy of Victorian culture, but the novella's more enduring contribution is its examination of dimensions.
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ungebrauchtes Exemplar
Here is a fast-reference guide to legal terminology compiled especially for consumers and business people who are not lawyers. More than 2,000 clear and concise definitions are arranged alphabetically. They cover everything from abandonment to zoning. Examples are offered to illustrate and clarify many definitions.
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mehrere Exemplare vorhanden
Pearson English Readers, Level 3 /1200 headwords)
Eleven-year old Billy Elliot is different from other boys. He is not very clever or good at sport. Then, one day, he discovers ballet dancing. Finally he has found
something that he can do well. But everybody knows that ballet is for girls, not boys!
Will Billy continue to dance? Or have his father and brother got other plans for him?
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ungebrauchtes Exemplar
Englisch für Hotel- und Restaurantfachleute
Hotel Matters enthält Materialien für die berufliche Grundbildung (1. Lernjahr) und die gemeinsame berufliche Fachbildung (2. Lernjahr), beispielsweise Arbeiten in Service und Restaurant,
Marketing und Wirtschaftsdienst. Die Materialien für das 3. Lernjahr sind speziell auf die Berufsrichtungen zugeschnitten.
Die 12 Units enthalten jeweils eine Seite mit Advanced Materials für heterogene Lerngruppen, davon je fünf mit dem Schwerpunkt "Hotel" und "Restaurant".
Aus dem Inhalt:
General enquiries; First day; Reservations; Checking in; Helping guests; Serving drinks; Payment and checking out; On the menu; At table; Complaints and special wishes; Planning a function; Job
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ungebrauchtes Exemplar
Authentic Examination Papers from Cambridge ESOL
without answers
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Utopia and Dystopia
Exploring Alternative Worlds
Utopische und dystopische Texte sind so alt wie das Schreiben selbst. Einige Beispiele für klassische und moderne Utopie- und Dystopievorstellungen sind in der Schöningh Textsammlung zu diesem
Modell zusammengestellt: Enthalten sind prophetische Texte aus Bibel und Koran, Exzerpte aus Platons Republik, Texte der „klassischen“ Utopisten um Sir Thomas More, Auszüge aus den
berühmten frühen Dystopien des 19. und 20. Jahrhunderts (The Time Machine, Brave New World, 1984) sowie Gegenwartsliteratur u. a. von Margaret Atwood , M. T. Anderson und Robert
Sheckley. Darüber hinaus finden sich mehrere Songtexte und ein Drehbuchexzerpt aus The Matrix.
Utopische und dystopische Texte weisen auf Gefahren und Chancen für die Zukunft von Welt und Gesellschaft hin. Damit fordern sie Schülerinnen und Schüler auf, sich auch mit ihren eigenen
Erwartungen und Befürchtungen auseinanderzusetzen.
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for Pre-intermediate Students
Your students will gain confidence thanks to the short, simple explanations and plenty of practice exercises. be motivated by the variety of interesting and stimulating exercise types. be able to find their way around easily thanks to clear signposting, plus a detailed contents page and grammar index. learn more than just grammar with the new vocabulary sections, including word building. be able to assess their progress regularly with the new scored self-check pages be able to do further practice and self-testing with the brand new CD-ROM.
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ungebrauchtes Exemplar, leichte Lagerspuren
Provides a range of quick and easy ways to improve your presentation skills.
With the advent of sophisticated digital telephony technologies and the pressure on business people not to travel unnecessarily for environmental reasons, the importance of one-to-one telephone
calls and teleconferencing takes in a new dimension. This books helps learners prepare for that all-important telephone call.
Key Features:
- Flexible approach
- Practical activities to suit all leanring styles
- For business people who have little time to study
Who is it for:
- People in work who need English in their job.
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Humankind's Second Chance?
Die Bedeutung des "amerikanischen Traums" wird hier vor dem Hintergrund der kulturellen, politischen und wirtschaftlichen Entwicklung der USA aufgezeigt: von den ersten Einwanderern bis zum "New American Dream", der u. a. den Umweltschutzgedanken in den Vordergrund stellt.
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Europäischer Referenzrahmen: A2 bis B1 Die farbige Grammatik zum Nachschlagen und Üben richtet sich an Lernende, die Wirtschaftsenglisch im Beruf oder in der Ausbildung brauchen. Sie eignet sich zum Selbststudium, kann aber auch in Kursen neben einem Lehrwerk eingesetzt werden: - Business Grammar and Practice erklärt die zentralen Bereiche der Grammatik detailliert - kontextbezogene Beispiele machen die Inhalte anschaulich. - Zahlreiche Übungen und authentisches Material aus dem Geschäftsleben helfen den Lernenden, ihr berufsbezogenes Vokabular und ihre grammatische Kompetenz zu erweitern. - Tests, die den Lernfortschritt überprüfen, sind auf die Inhalte des Werks abgestimmt.
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Eine Englischgrammatik mit Übungen
Grammar - no problem ist eine Nachschlage- und Übungsgrammatik, die lehrwerkunabhängig einsetzbar ist. Durch den herausnehmbaren Lösungsschlüssel eignet sie sich auch für das Selbststudium.
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ungebrauchtes Exemplar, leichte Lagerspuren
Third Edition
Practical English Usage is the indispensable reference book on language problems in English for teachers and higher-level learners.
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Dictionary of Business English
20,000 business words that fit in your pocket!
For intermediate to advanced learners
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Advanced, with answers und CD-ROM
Business Vocabulary in Use Advanced Second edition is for students and professionals looking to expand their business vocabulary. Bringing learners up to date with the language they need for business today, this book explains words and expressions and also provides practice of using the new language. This second edition comes with a CD-ROM which offers practice exercises and games, audio of each word or phrase, tests and a phonemic chart for pronunciation support. This second edition reflects recent developments in technology, global relations and financial practice and covers a range of topics from Competitive Strategy to Globalisation. It also helps learners develop skills in key areas including Working in international teams.
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Intermediate, with answers
Business Vocabulary in Use Intermediate Second edition is for students and professionals looking to expand their business vocabulary. Bringing learners up-to-date with the language they need for business today, this book explains words and expressions and also provides practice of using the new language. This second edition reflects recent developments in technology, global relations and financial practice and covers a range of topics from Finance to Culture at Work. It also helps learners develop skills in key areas including Presentations, Meetings and Negotiations.
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with answers
Grammar reference and practice
Do you want to be confident that you have covered all the grammar for the PET exam?
Presents grammar in alistening context
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without answers
Grammar reference and practice
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ungebrauchtes Exemplar
Authentic examination papers from cambridge ESOL
with answers
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ungebrauchtes Exemplar
Authentic examination papers from cambridge ESOL
with answers
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mehrere Exemplare vorhanden
Cambridge BEC 4 Higher provides a set of four complete practice tests for the Cambridge BEC Higher exam. These past examination papers from University of Cambridge ESOL Examinations (Cambridge ESOL) provide the most authentic exam preparation available. They allow candidates to familiarise themselves with the content and format of the examination and to practise useful examination techniques. The Student's Book also contains a comprehensive section of keys and transcripts, making it suitable for self study. The Audio CDs contain the audio material for the Listening paper.
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Official Examination Papers from Cambridge ESOL
Self-Study Pack with answers
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Classroom vocabulary practice, without answers
Cambridge Vocabulary for PET is informed by the Cambridge International Corpus and the Cambridge Learner Corpus to ensure that the vocabulary is presented in genuine contexts and covers real learner errors.
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This practical series includes a number of specialist titles which help students communicate more effectively. Each book contains over 60 tests and over 500 key words and expressions. They are ideal for class use or self-study.
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ungebrauchtes Exemplar
Englische Bürokommunikation, deutsch erklärt.
E-Mail, Brief und Telefon. Sicherheit durch Lesen, Hören, Schreiben.
Das moderne Lernbuch für Business-Englisch mit der genialen ABCD-Methode: Jetzt endlich lernen Sie englisch texten, bis das Wesentliche sitzt – ganz einfach, aber von Grund auf. Sie brauchen
nicht mehr Hunderte von Textbausteinen anzusehen, von denen doch keiner genau der richtige ist. Sie wissen auch,
wie Ihre Briefe richtig tönen – durch Lesen, Hören, Schreiben.
✔ Der Business-Korrespondenz-Trainer bringt Ihnen Sicherheit beim Texten von englischen Geschäftsbriefen.
✔ Leicht verständliche Erklärungen in Deutsch
✔ Klares Trainingskonzept mit konsequenter Repetition – damit das Gelernte auch sitzt
✔ Perfekt für individuelles Selbststudium und handlungs-orientierten Unterricht
✔ Mit Audio-CD, Telefontraining, 125 Übungen, Lösungsbuch und
✔ Super für Auszubildende, Kaufleute und Wiedereinsteiger/innen, als Lernbuch und als Nachschlagewerk.
✔ Ideale Prüfungsvorbereitung für BEC- und Lehrabschlussprüfungen.
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Grammatisches Übungsbuch für die Sekundarstufe II
Jedes der 22 Kapitel ist in drei Teile gegliedert:- Check-up: Übungen zur Beurteilung des Kenntnisstandes; - Basic Rules and Exercises: eine übersichtliche Zusammenfassung der wichtigsten Strukturen des Kapitels. - Advanced Exercises: anspruchsvollere Übungen für Grund- und Leistungskurse. Grammar in Profile behandelt Grammatik nicht als Selbstzweck, sondern macht die enge Verbindung von Text und Struktur, Stil und Grammatik sichtbar. Es greift dabei auf authentische Texte zurück. Das Werk eignet sich besonders zum Einsatz in der Oberstufe ab Klasse 11.
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Mehrere Exemplare vorhanden
Leicht verständliche, gründliche Erklärungen für die Lernstufe Pre-Intermediate (B1+)
Praktisch orientiertes Lehr- und Lernbuch
Realistische Übungen unter Berücksichtigung der kommunikativen Situation
Genial zum Repetieren vor einem First-Certificate-Kurs
Einprägsame Beispiele
Über 150 interessante Übungen mit separatem Lösungsschlüssel
Strukturlernen, Drills und Lerntipps
Abwechslungsreiche Übungen zu Vokabular und Textproduktion
Übersichtliche Kurzübersetzungen zur Repetition
Präzise und systematische Erklärungen zum Aufarbeiten und Üben im eigenen Rhythmus
Index zum schnellen Nachschlagen
Ideal zum Auffrischen Ihrer Englischkenntnisse
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ungebrauchtes Exemplar
40 units self-study vocabulary exercices
with tests an key
A series of handy vocabulary books aimed at busy learners who want to fit in some extra practice outside the classroom. Offering plenty of practice for vocabulary learners, these small and easy-to-carry books are ideal for busy people to use outside the classroom. All the words have been chosen using the Cambridge International Corpus to ensure that students learn the most widely used vocabulary. Includes regular tests and helpful word lists. This is Level 3/Pre-intermediate.
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ungebrauchtes Exemplar
This title contains The BEC Preliminary Testbuilder And Audio CD. The BEC Testbuilders Are Designed To Improve Exam Performance And Increase Language Competence For Success In The Cambridge Business English Certificate (BEC) Exam. The Audio CD Contains All Four Listening Tests.
Tests that teach:
Advice on how to approach the exam
Explanation of why answers are correct and incorrect
Help on how to tackle each paper and further guidance in problem areas
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ungebrauchtes Exemplar
This novel offers a satirical yet bleak vision of the modern world - a world devoted to conspicuous consumption and consumer-as-king culture - and highlights the feelings of futility and superficiality that mark an entire generation.
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Penguin Readers, Level 2 Elementary (600 words)
Can Phileas Fogg travel round the world in eighty days? He bets all his money that he can, but he doesn't know that someone wants to stop him. Will he make it back to London in time?
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ungebrauchtes Exemplar
Über 100'000 Einträge aus Gastronomie, Hotellerie und Touristik sowie rund 600 Sätze und Wendungen sind eine grosse Hilfe beim Übersetzen von Speisekarten, Menüs, Hotelprospekten usw.
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ungebrauchtes Exemplar
Teacher's Book
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ungebrauchtes Exemplar
Self-study Student's Book
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Exmination Papers
with answers, 2 Audio-CDs
Cambridge, 3. Auflage 2009
175 Seiten, broschiert
ISBN: 978-0-521-71451-8
Zustand: ungebraucht
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New Inspiration takes all the best elements of the original course and adds some exciting new characteristics perfect for motivating and challenging teenage students. Popular aspects such as the authentic, varied and content-rich topics have been impreved and enhanced. The cultural and cross-curricular nature of these topics features strongly throughout New Inspiration, alongside the strong skills development activities and tasks.
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ungebrauchtes Exemplar
The workbook provides a wealth of extra grammar and vocabulary material, integrated skills and learner independence work. Brainteasers and crosswords are included and there are also suggestions for follow-up work on the internet.
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ungebrauchtes Exemplar
mehrere Exemplare vorhanden
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ungebrauchtes Exemplar
The teacher's book provides step-by-step teaching notes. Extra optional activities that can be given to less confident learners or to fast finishers are included. The teacher's book also features useful cultural information to answer those difficult questions.
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ungebrauchtes Exemplar
mehrere Exemplare vorhanden
face2face is a general English course for adults and young adults who want to learn to communicate quickly and effectively in today's world. Based on the communicative approach, it combines the best in current methodology with special new features designed to make learning and teaching easier. Vocabulary and grammar are given equal importance and there is a strong focus on listening and speaking in social situations.
face2face Elementary reviews A1 and takes students to the end of A2.
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ungebrauchtes Exemplar
Based on the communicative approach, and drawing on the best of current thinking and practice, this major new course prepares students for real world communication. The face2face Teacher's Book provides valuable and comprehensive support, from teaching notes for each lesson and useful classroom techniques to over 100 pages of extra teacher's resources (including 35 Class Activities, Photocopiables, 12 Vocabulary Plus Worksheets and 5 Study Skills worksheets). In addition, the Teacher's Book explains the face2face approach and provides information on how face2face relates to the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages. The Teacher's Book also includes a guide to the Student's Book CD-Rom/Audio CD.
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ungebrauchtes Exemplar
Cambridge Books for Cambridge Exams
Objective PET offers students complete preparation for the Cambridge Preliminary English Test. The course combines solid language development with systematic and thorough exam preparation and practice. The short units give a sense of progress and cover a wide variety of motivating topics relevant to the exam. Regular revision and recycling of language is provided by the revision units.
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ungebrauchtes Exemplar
Objective PET offers students complete preparation for the Cambridge Preliminary English Test. The course combines solid language development with systematic and thorough exam preparation and practice. The short units give a sense of progress and cover a wide variety of motivating topics relevant to the exam.
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ungebrauchtes Exemplar
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ungebrauchtes Exemplar
Complete CAE combines the very best in contemporary classroom practice with stimulating topics aimed at mature teenagers and young adults.
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Fouth Edition
with iChecker CD-ROM
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mehrere Exemplare vorhanden
Fourth Edition
with iTutor DVD-ROM
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Fourth Edition
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ungebrauchtes Exemplar
Fourth Edition
with iChecker CD-ROM
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ungebrauchtes Exemplar
Fourth Edition
with Teacher's Resource Disc CD-ROM
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ungebrauchtes Exemplar
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ungebrauchtes Exemplar, original verschweisst
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mehrere Exemplare vorhanden
Draws on a range of approaches to provide students with the balance of reflection, practice, and use necessary for effective language learning. This work combines strong skills development, systematic vocabulary work, and an emphasis on functional English, with constant recycling. It provides core material of 70-100 hours per level.
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